Royal Battleships Download

Battleships at war: HMS Royal Sovereign and her sister ships Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file. Download Ships Of The Royal Navy books, Colledge's text is an ideal reference book for anyone interested in maritime history. It lists each individual fighting vessel which served in the Royal Navy and gives key data for each vessel. Language: en Pages: 485. Ships of the Royal.

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TheScale Shipyard;Catalog;CatalogIndex;HullIndex; Battleships


1/96 Scale US Battleships

USS Arizona BB-39
USS Tennessee BB-43
USS Maryland BB-46
USS North Carolina BB-55
USS Massachusetts BB-59
USS Iowa BB-61

1/96 scale Battlecruisers

1/96 Scale Japanese Battleships

1/100 Scale German Battleships

KM Bismarck
KM Scharnhorst

1/192 Scale US Battleships

U.S.News & World Report: The Battleships (1992)

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B3USS ArizonaBB-381/9676'13 1/4'$ 589.00

The ARIZONA (BB 39) and December-7-1941 will always be rememberedas One in the United States. On this day the ARIZONA met her fate and theUS Navy was thrust into a war that would bring the tragic end to many gallantships and brave crews. The ARIZONA and her only sister ship the PENNSYLVANIA(BB-38) were completed in time for World War One but due to the fact thatthey were fuel oil burners, they were kept in home waters because most allthe ships in the Royal! Navy burned coal and there was not enough oil tofuel these ships as well. Both of these ships were extensively modernizedduring the early 1930's which included the addition of anti-torpedo blisterson the sided of the lower hull and new tripod mast in place of the old basketmast that were always common to US Battleships during this period. New fightingtops and improved directors were also added at this time. Our hull for theARIZONA features the prominent hull blisters, armor belt, the hull casementgun positions, porthole locations and the shaft exits & strut locationsmolded in. A detailed plans set is also included.


14' TURRET SET 4 fiberglass turrets, 12 cast gun barrels, cast polymer faceplates and range finder hoods. $ 229.95

STRUCTURE: Director tops (pair) $ 49.95

BB-39 PACKAGE A fittings package is available for the BB-39 as in 1941. $1199.00+ S&H Includes hull, turrets, weapons and cast polymer fittings.

USS Pennsylvania BB-38 Option

BB-38 1944 PACKAGE A fittings package is available forthe BB-38 as in 1944. includes hull, turrets, weapons, cast polymer and brassfittings: $1380.00

Royal Battleships Download Torrent

Please note: this is nota complete kit, running gear, decks and building materials notincluded.


Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 165.00.

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Battleship Arizona: An Illustrated History
by PaulStillwell

Some videos to inspire...

USS Arizona - USS Missouri: From Tragedyto Victory (2002) Pearl Harbor - The USS Utah & USS Arizona Revisited(2001) Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) - The classicmovie about Pearl Harbor

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B5USS TennesseeBB-431/9678'12 3/8'$ 589.00

The USS TENNESSEE 8843 and USS CALIFORNIA BB-44 were the first USNavy battleships that did not have the casement gun positions mounted inhull, thus giving these ships a much cleaner appearance and reducing wetnessforward. Both of these ships were at Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japaneseattack. The TENNESSEE received only minor damage and was one of the firstbattleships to depart Hawaii. The CALIFORNIA on the other hand, was hit bytwo torpedoes and slowly settled to the harbor bottom. It was not until Mayof 1944 before the CALIFORNIA got back into the war. This hull representsthe ships as they appeared prior to their early war rebuilds, and featuremolded in armor belts, anchor bolsters, porthole locations and the shaftexits & strut locations. A set of arrangement plans for the ship as sheappeared in early 1941 are also included.


1 4' TURRET SET: 4 fiberglass turrets, 12 cast gun barrels, cast polymerrange finder hoods. $299.95

STRUCTURE: I Fighting Tops (pair) $ 49.95

BB-43 FITTINGS PACKAGE. 1941 Fittings package Includes hull, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1228.00

BB-43 FITTINGS PACKAGE. 1945 Fittings package includes: Hull & plans,14' turrets set, secondary armament, cast polymer and cast metal fittings$ 1756.00

Please note: these are not complete kits, runninggear, decks and building materials not included.

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 165.00.

BB-43 late war showing midshipsblisters

Coming soon, a BB-43/44 hull with late war blisters. Master pattern is done, and is awaiting molding!

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Recommended Book:

VolunteerState Battlewagon: Uss Tennessee/Bb-43 by Myron J.Smith

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 6USS Maryland BB-46BB-451/9678'12 3/8'$ 589.00

The USS MARYLAND BB-46 was the first battleship completed with 16'guns for her main battery which made her the most powerful battleship inthe world in 1921 when she was new. Although this ship was officially a COLORADO(BB-45) class battleship, the MARYLAND was commissioned over 2 years beforethe lead ship was. The MARYLAND was the least damaged battleship at PearlHarbor and was soon back at sea and held in readiness to counter whatevermoves that the Japanese might try against the US west coast. The MARYLANDwas to be in action against the Japanese over 100 times during the war andwas decommissioned in 1947 and sold for scrap in 1958. Our hull for the BB-46features the ship as she was at Pearl Harbor and has the armor belts, anchorlocations shaft exits and strut locations molded in. A plans set for theBB-46 as she during the war is included.


16' TURRET SET: 4 fiberglass turrets, 8 cast gun barrels, cast polymer rangefinder hoods. Price $ 299.95

STRUCTURE: Director tops, pair. $ 49.95

BB-46 FITTINGS PACKAGE 1941 A fittings package Includes hull, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1220.00

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 165.00.

Please note: this is nota complete kit, running gear, decks and building materials notincluded.

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Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 8USS North CarolinaBB-551/9691'13 1/2'$ 869.00

The NORTH CAROLINA (BB-55) and WASHINGTON (BB-56) were the firstbattleships to be built by the US Navy after the Washington Naval DisarmamentTreaty which halted almost all battleship construction in the US for 15 years.Originally these ships were to be armed with quad 14' turrets, but with Japanesenaval expansion in the Pacific and their failure to ratify the Naval Treatyof 1936, the design of these ships was revised to mount the new 16' 45 calrifles in 3 triple turrets instead while these ships were in there earlystages of construction. The WASHINGTON was the only US Navy battleship toengage another battleship in a gunnery dual, when she disabled and causedthe sinking of the IJN KARlSHlMA in November 1942. The NORTH CAROLINA sawaction in almost every campaign of the Pacific and has been preserved asa memorial and museum in her name state. This hull features the side anti-torpedoblisters, armor belts, anchor bolsters, docking keel and the inboard shaftskegs molded in. Included with this hull is a 4 piece fiberglass superstructuremolding set which includes the main structure from the main deck to the 05level, forward main director tower, and the fore & aft stacks. An outboardprofile of the BB-55 and a copy from the booklet of general plans of BB 56in 1/1/92 scale is also included.

USS Washington by Charles Galligan


Note: On the Fittingspackage listed below, we now also have Photo-Etched Brass radars and Catapultsavailable at extra cost.

16' TURRET SET: 3 fiberglass turrets, 9 cast gun barrels, range finder hoodsand sight hoods. $229.95

5' GUN SET: 10 5'-38 cal twin gun mount kits, with 20 cast gun barrels, sighthoods, and base rings $249.95

DIRECTOR SET: 1 2 MK-38 main battery directors with MK8 radars & 4 MK-37directors (angle back type) I $ 79.95

BB-55 SET This package includes the hull set, plans, 16' turrets, 5'guns and directors. Also included are cast polymer and cast metal fittings,as listed in our catalog. Price $ Includes hull, superstructure moldings,turrets, weapons, cast polymer and brass fittings $ 2135.00

BB-56 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons, castpolymer and brass fittings $2015.00

BB-55 Hull only $ 599.00 plus shipping

BB-55 class 8 piece superstructure only $ 359.00 plus shipping

Please note: this is nota complete kit, running gear, decks and building materials notincluded.

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 215.00.

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Battleships : United StatesBattleships - a great technical history of US Battleshipdesign. Covers the history of this class, and others.

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 9USS MASSACHUSETTS BB-59BB-571/9685'13 1/2'$869.00

The 4 ships of this class ,the USS SOUTH DAKOTA (BB-57), USS INDIANA(BB-58), USS MASSACHUSETTS (BB-59) and the USS ALABAMA (BB-60) were the secondclass of fast battleships built by the US Navy in the late 1930's to early40's. All four of these ships saw considerable action during World War Two.The SOUTH DAKOTA participated in the first battleship to battleship actionfought by the US Navy, and the MASSACHUSETTS fired the last 16' salvo ofthe war. After seeing limited service after the war all four of these shipswere decommissioned during 1947 and moth balled for the next 15 years whenthey were stricken from the navy list and sold. Fortunately both theMASSACHUSETTS and ALABAMA were saved as memorials and are preserved in theirname states as museum ships. Our BB-59 hull features molded in anchor bolsters,the outboard shaft skegs and the indentations running along the side of thehull above the armor shelf. included with this hull is a 4 piece fiberglasssuperstructure molding set which includes the main structure from main decklevel to the 03 level, conning tower, forward director tower with stack &cap and the after director tower. Also included is a set of plans for eitherthe BB-59 as she appeared in 1946 or for the BB-58 as she was in 1944. (Choosewhich plans when ordering)


Note: On the Fittingspackage listed below, we now also have Photo-Etched Brass radars and Catapultsavailable at extra cost.

16' TURRET SET: 3 fiberglass turrets, 9 cast gun barrels, range finder hoodsand sight hoods. $229.95

5' GUN SET: 10 5'38 cal twin gun mount kits, with 20 cast gun barrels, sighthoods, and base rings I $ 249.95

DIRECTOR SET: 1 2 MK-38 main battery directors with MK8 radars & 4 MK37directors (angle back type) $ 79.95

BB-57 SET 1942 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1979.00

BB 57 SET 1944 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1979.00

BB-58 SET 1945 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1985.00

BB-59 1944 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 1986.00

BB-57 class hull only $ 599.00 plus shipping

BB-57 4 piece superstructure only $ 339.00 plus shipping

Please note: this is nota complete kit, running gear, decks and building materials notincluded.

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 195.00.

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Battleships : United StatesBattleships - a great technical history of US Battleshipdesign. Covers the history of this class, and others.USS Massachusetts (Bb-59)

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 10USS IowaBB-611/96111'13 1/2'$ 1149.00

The IOWA class Battleships: USS IOWA (BB-61) USS NEW JERSEY(BB-62)USS MISSOURI(BB-63) and WISCONSIN (BB-64) are the only serviceable battleshipsremaining in any navy. Their superior design and construction is a lastingtribute to those who built them over 50 years ago. These ships have outlastedall other battleships by decades and are still able to meet the needs ofmodern naval warfare. All four of these ships were extensively modernizedduring the 1980's and are now stored for future use. Should they be neededagain, they could be activated in just a few months. Our hull is one of thelargest one piece fiberglass model ship hulls available. This hull featuresmolded in anchor bolsters, the twin inboard shaft skegs, shaft exits aremarked in, docking keel and the stern 40 MM gun tub sponsons. included withthis hull is a 5 piece fiberglass superstructure molding set which includesthe main structure from main deck level to 03 level, conning tower, forwardmain director tower with stack, aft stack and aft director tower, cast polymerstack caps with cowl and top grates. A set of plans that includes the profile,bow & stern and plan views is also included with this hull set. Note:The additional set of deck plans for these ships as they appeared in WW IIalso comes with this set.


Note: On the Fittingspackage listed below, we now also have Photo-Etched Brass radars and Catapultsavailable at extra cost.

16' TURRET SET: 3 detailed cast turrets, 9 cast gun barrels, range finderhoods and sight hoods. Price $ 359.95

5' GUN SET: 10 5'38 cal twin gun mount kits, with 20 cast gun barrels, sighthoods and base rings $ 249.95

DIRECTOR SET: 1 2 MK-38 main battery directors with MK-8 radars & 4 MK-37directors (angle back type) $ 79.95

BB-61 SET for 1945set Includes hull, superstructure moldings,turrets, weapons, cast polymer and brass fittings $ 2573.00
BB-63 SET FOR 1945 BB-63 1945 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings,turrets, weapons, cast polymer and brass fittings $ 266700
BB-63 1952 set Includes hull, superstructure moldings, turrets, weapons,cast polymer and brass fittings $ 2337.00

BB-63 SET FOR 1985 This package is as above except it includes the weaponsand fittings for the IOWA class battleships as they were outfitted duringthe 1980's.included are the CIWS mounts, harpoon and Tomahawk missile launchers,WSC3 and SLQ32 antennas as well as hundreds of other fittings to build yourmodel. This is one of the most complete package sets that we have for anyof our hulls. $2638.00

BB-61 class hull only $ 699.00 plus shipping
BB-61 11 piece superstructure set $ 379.00 plus shipping

Please note: this is nota complete kit, running gear, decks and building materials notincluded.

Special Shipping: This hull is too large tobe shipped by FEDEX Ground, and must be transported via common carrier, suchas an airline. The shipping charges must be prepaid by the customer.Shipping charges will vary according to the distance from Long Beach, CA, and the package will need to be picked up at a larger, jet served airport.These hulls can be shipped to your business or residence via Fedex Air,this can cost a few hundred dollars additional.

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The Battleship USS Missouri - a finedocumentry on this battleship.

Under Siege (1992) - maybe not the best acting,but some great shots of the Mighty Mo.

Iowa Class Battleships: Their Design, Weaponsand Equipment by Robert F. Sumrall, Tom Walkowiak. Invaluable resource to the modeler of this classBattleship Missouri: An IllustratedHistory by Paul Stillwell

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B-11USS Alaska CB-1CB-11/96101'11 3/4'$ 599.00

The ALASKA class Battlecruiserswere designed and built in response to the German SCHARNHORST class battleshipsand other suspected battlecruisers that naval intelligence sources had believedwere being built in both Germany and Japan in the late 1930's and early 40's.Unfortunately, by the time the ALASKA (CB-1) and GUAM (CB-2) were completedand in service, the ships they were meant to oppose were either never builtor no longer existed. These two ships were still excellent as anti-aircraftscreens for the fast carrier task-forces in the final stages of World WarTwo. Both of these ships were laid-up along with their unfinished sistership USS HAWAII (CB-3) soon after the end of the war and were subsequentlyscrapped in the early 1960's. It seems that these ships were always comparedwith the IOWA class Battleships as to performance and usefulness, which theseships were not meant to be, so the navy and history treated these ships unfairly.Our hull for the ALASKA features molded in armor belts, anchor bolsters andthe shaft exits & strut locations and comes with a set of detailedarrangement plans .

12' turret set 3 cast turrets, 9 cast gun barrels, range finder hoods andsight hoods. $359.00 E-mail foravailability
5' GUN SET: 6 5'/48 twingun mount kits, with 12 turnet brass gun barrels, sight hoods, and baserings $ 149.95
DIRECTOR SET: 2 Mk-38 main battery directors with MK-8 radars, and2 MK 37 directors (Late war type) $ 67.95

USS ALASKA CB-1 SET: $ 1689.00

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 215.00.

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 12KM BismarckBismarck1:10099'14'$ 699.00

The BISMARCK & TIRPITZ were the largest and last Battleships tobe completed by the German navy. At the time of their completion these werethe largest, fastest and most powerful battleships in service in any of theworlds navies. The BISMARCK'S career was short and famous, her only war cruisecatching the attention of almost the entire civilized world. From her quickand incredible destruction of the Royal Navy's H.M.S. HOOD until her ownsinking 3 days later, almost every Royal Navy warship in the Atlantic wasput on alert to help track BISMARCK down. The life of the TIRPITZ lasteda few years longer, laying in a Norwegian fjord, she successfully tied downmany major warships of both the Royal and US navies that had to remain onpatrol to guard against her breaking out into the Atlantic shipping lanes.Our hull features the center prop shaft exit, stern anchor well, bow anchorpositions, porthole locations and the armor belt molded in. A detailed setof plans is also included in the price.


15' TURRET SET: 4 turrets. 8 cast barrels finder hoods, sight covers andrear vents. $ 229.00

5.9' TURRET SET: 6 cast 5.9' twin turrets (2 styles) 12 cast barrels, finderhoods and 6 barbetts. $169.95

DIRECTOR SET: BISMARCK: 3 main directors and 2 anti aircraft ball type $79.95

DIRECTOR SET: TIRPITZ: 3 main directors and 4 anti-aircraft ball type $ 89.95

RUDDERS $ 12.95

Toy Royal Battleship

BISMARCK SET $ 1800.00

TIRPITZ SET $ 1830.00

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 245.00.

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TheBattleship Tirpitz by Gerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter SchmolkeBattleships : Axis andNeutral Another great battleship reference series. This book covers the Axis battleships built just before and used duringWorld War II.

Sink the Bismarck! (1960) The classic movie -check out the nice Bismarck model!

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 13KM ScharnhorstScharnhorst1:10092 1/2'11 7/8'$ 699.00

The German Battleships SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU were the most activeof all the big ships that were built by the German navy prior to the outbreakof World War Two. The SCHARNHORST was an almost constant consort of her sistership GNEISENAU when both of these ships carried out successful anti-shippingraids out into the vast Atlantic ocean. The cost to the allies in both shipssunk as well as ships and war supplies to track them down or keep them incheck, far surpassed the effort it took the Germans to construct and operatethese two ships. SCHARNHORST was lost in the Battle of North Cape on 26-DEC.-1943while trying to attack an allied convoy headed to Russia. GNEISENAU was severelydamaged in drydock and never fully repaired. This hull features molded inarmor belts, anchor wells, porthole locations, the armored degausing cablehousing, bilge keel location shaft exits and strut locations, as well asthe knuckles in the bottom of the hull that these ships had. Also includedis a detailed set of drawings.

This hull was completed by Mr. Dave Manley of San Diego Ca. When weput it into production in August of 1998 it became one of the finest fiberglassmodel hulls available, truly standing above other hull s that haveseen.

Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst by DaveManley


11' TURRET SET: 13 fiberglass turrets, 9 cast gun barrels finder hoods,sight covers and rear vents $ 229.95

5.9' TURRET SET: 4 cast 5.9' twin gun turrets, 8 cast barrelsand 4 barbetts.$ 139.95

DIRECTOR SET: 3 main directors (2 styles) and 4 anti-aircraft directors,ball type $ 104.95

RUDDERS $ 12.95

Battleship Download Pc

Special Shipping: This hull can beshipped via FEDEX Ground Service as in OS-3 size package. Shipping and handlingin the USA 48 states is $ 215.00.

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Battleshipsof the Scharnhorst class
Excellent English language translation of the German Original, highlyrecommended for those with an interest in the class.

Royal Battleships Download Free

Battleship Scharnhorst (Conway MaritimeModellers)Battleships : Axis andNeutral Another great battleship reference series. This book covers the Axis battleships built just before and used duringWorld War II.

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-B 15IJN YamatoYamato1:96108'16'$ 699.00

The Japanese Super Battleships YAMATO and MUSASHl were the largestbattleships ever built by any nation. The YAMATO was completed just beforethe outbreak of the war in the Pacific and was Admiral Yamamoto's flagshipduring the Pearl Harbor attack and the Battle of Midway. The YAMATO continuedto be the flagship of the combined fleet even after Yamamoto's death, butfor most of the war this ship was kept almost in the backwaters of operationin the south and central pacific. It was not until the Battle of the PhilippineSea in June of 1944 that this ship was committed to action, and for the firsttime the US Navy got a good look at her. The MUSASHl was lost in the Battleof Leyte Gulf after taking an incredible 20 torpedoes and 10 bomb hits, eventhen taking over 4 hours to finally sink. The YAMATO on the other hand survivedlong enough to be sent on a one way mission to try and stem the tide of battleat Okinawa. The massive battleship was only 50 miles south of Japan whenshe was overwhelmed and sunk by US Navy aircraft, again only after takingan incredible amount of damage from torpedoes and bombs.

Our hull for the YAMATO features molded in armor belts, anchor bolsters,rudder skegs, porthole locations and the shaft exits & strut locations.Also included is a set of arrangement plans of the ship as she appeared latein the war.

Special Shipping: This hull is too large tobe shipped by FEDEX Ground, and must be transported via common carrier, suchas an airline. The shipping charges must be prepaid by the customer. Shipping charges will vary according to the distance from Long Beach,CA , and the package will need to be picked up at a larger, jet served airport.

Royal Battleships Download Torrent

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TheBattleship Yamato by Janusz Skulski.
Perhaps the definitive reference for this ship, with great drawings. Veryworthwhile.

1/192 Scale US Battleships

Order #Ship NameClassScaleLengthBeam Price
WHU-4XUSS MissouriIowa1:19255 1/2'6 13/16'$ 249.00

Our 1/192 scale hull for the Battleship Missouri is an excellent replacementfor the balsa wood built up hull that is supplied in a commercially availablekit that is on the market. This size model is large enough to be suitablefor radio control operations if the builder wishes. This hull has the anchorbolsters molded in and features the ‘twin skeg’ hull form aft justlike the original ship has, and features the ends of the twin skeg’scast in polymer for easier shaft installation. A detailed set of scale planscomes with this hull.

16' TURRET SET: 79.95.

5' GUN MOUNT SET, 10 5' MOUNTS: $ 69.95.

DIRECTORS: 4 MK-37 & 2 MK-38: $ 24.95

RUDDERS: $ 10.95

Shipping and handling $ 45.00

Questions? Email us here.


TheScale Shipyard;Catalog;CatalogIndex;HullIndex; Battleships

Version 2.63 07/15