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Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a word for a group of specific items, animals or people. For example, a group of ships is called a fleet, a group of cows is called a herd, a groupd of lions is called a pride, a group of baseball players is called a team, and a group of ants is called a colony. Some Collective Nouns:
List of Collective Nouns by Collective NounList of Collective Nouns by Noun
armada of ships
army of caterpillars, frogs, soldiers
bank of circuits
Batch of cookies
battery of tests
bed of clams, snakes
belt of asteroids
bevy of beauties
bouquet of flowers
brood of hens
bundle of nerves
bunch of grapes
caravan of camels
cete of badgers
chain of islands
clan of hyenas
class of students
cloud of gnats
clowder of cats
clutter of cats
clutch of chicks, eggs
company of actors
colony of ants, bats, beavers, lepers, penguins
congregation of plovers, worshippers
corps of giraffes
coven of witches
crowd of onlookers
culture of bacteria
deck of cards
den of Cub Scouts, snakes, thieves
division of soldiers
drove of cattle
fleet of airplanes, ships
flock of birds, sheep
flight of swallows
flotilla of ships
forest of trees
gaggle of geese
galaxy of stars
herd of antelope, buffalo, cattle, deer, zebra
hive of bees
host of sparrows
knot of toads
leap of leopards
library of books
litter of puppies, kittens
lodge of beavers
mob of kangaroos
murder of crows
nest of mice, snakes
orchard of trees
pack of dogs, hounds, wolves
panel of experts
parliament of owls
pit of snakes
platoon of soldiers
pod of whales
pride of lions, peacocks
quiver of arrows
range of mountains
school of fish
shrewdness of apes
slate of candidates
sloth of bears
sounder of boars, pigs
squad of players, soldiers
stand of flamingoes, trees
swarm of ants, bees, fkies
team of horses, oxen, players
thicket of trees
tribe of monkeys, natives
trip of goats
troop of apes, of Cub Scouts, kangaroos
troupe of actors, performers
unit of soldiers
wad of bills, money
wealth of information
yoke of oxen
actors - company, troupe
airplanes - fleet
ants - colony, swarm
antelopes - herd
apes - troop, shrewdness
arrows - quiver
asteroids - belt
bacteria - culture
bats - colony
bears - sloth
beauties - bevy
beavers - colony, lodge
bees - hive, swarm
bills - wad
birds - dissimulation, flock, volery
boars - sounder
books - library
camels - caravan
candidates - slate
cards -deck
caterpillars - army
cattle - drove, herd, kine
cats - clowder, cluster, ponce
chicks - clutch
circuits - bank
cookies - batch
crows - murder
Cub Scouts - den, troop
dogs - pack
eggs - clutch
experts - panel
fish - school
flamingoes - stand
flowers - bouquet
geese - gaggle
giraffes - corps
gnats - cloud
goats - trip
grapes - bunch
hens - brood
hounds - cry, pack
hyenas - clan
information - wealth
islands - chain
kangaroos - mob, troop
kittens - litter
lawyers - murder
leopards - leap
lepers - colony
lions - pride
monkeys - tribe, troop
mountains - range
nerves - bundle
owls - parliament
oxen - team, yoke
puppies - litter
ships - armada, fleet, flotilla
snakes - bed, den, nest, pit
soldiers - army, brigade, company, division, platoon, squad, unit
sparrows - host, flight
students - class
tests - battery
toads - knot
trees - forest, grove, orchard, stand, thicket
trucks - convoy
turkeys - rafter
vipers - nest
whales - pods
witches - coven
wolves - pack
worshippers - congregation
zebras - herd

For more collective nouns for groups of animals, click here.